︎︎︎ Steeped in Process

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Let’s strengthen your business from the inside out.

Our strategic methodology will bring together dialogue and data to showcase your most valuable offerings, the many people involved, and all relevant market fundamentals to reveal powerful insights and opportunities for your brand and business.

Opportunities that we’ll then unlock together, to produce value for you by accounting for everybody.
Let’s strengthen your business from the inside out.

Our strategic methodology will bring together dialogue and data to showcase your most valuable offerings, the many people involved, and all relevant market fundamentals to reveal powerful insights and opportunities for your brand and business.

Opportunities that we’ll then unlock together, to produce value for you by accounting for everybody.

"Chai Gate," is Adi’s co-creative space where dialogue and data converge to create lasting business value across diverse markets and perspectives.

Meet Adi 

A seasoned Brand Strategist and Design Manager, Aditi Mukherjee, a.k.a. Adi, has over 15 years of international experience in the finance, utilities, automotive, media, healthcare, education, food & beverage, real estate, and e-commerce sectors.

Born in New Delhi in 1984, Adi embarked on her academic journey at the National Institute of Design in Ahmedabad, where she earned a bachelor's degree in Communications Design, later honing her expertise at Pratt Institute in New York City, where she obtained a master’s degree in Design Management.

Her early career in India, where she led projects for multinational corporations established her credentials in strategic design processes and set the stage for subsequent achievements in the US. This bicultural experience has magnified her ability to deliver purpose-led brand & product solutions across consumer journeys, at any stage of a company’s innovation cycle.

Adi currently leads strategic brand initiatives in New York City, where she drives transformational outcomes integrating ecological, economic, and equitable business practices with human-centered (brand) design. She covers process areas such as ethnographic research, CX aligned engagament modeling, corporate brand strategy, and integrated marketing utilizing a unique approach she refers to as the "Chai Gate,"—a co-creative space where dialogue and data converge to create lasting business value across diverse markets and perspectives.

Known for her strategic depth, unwavering work ethic, and a profound dedication to craft, Adi's approach is both confident and thoughtful. She leads in-house and agency teams with purpose as she continues to influence the future landscapes of businesses, both small and large, driving growth and fostering innovative outcomes.